Saturday, January 10, 2009


enjoy the journey to the eternal silence this time.. see ya!



When silence become words,

And those words, become silent sound,

I watch you;

Sitting as a blossoming rose,

To whom I can touch with my eyes,

And can kiss with the smile.


I find myself; floating in this moment,

The moment which won’t last forever,

But seems to be eternal; eternal like an ocean

The ocean which is full of our existence,

The existence; which has dissolved;

into this silence.

Dissolved into the silence;

Which is so beautiful and so blissful,

Which is so cosy and so eternal.


I have known you better,

And I have known you deeper

in this silence;

that I never known you in-depth this much;

when it was filled with words,

but the way I have known you;

in this silence.


This silent air is getting thicker and thicker;

With the nectar of our compassion.

Let this air get thickened;

With the compassion of your touch.

As you hold me gently near you;

Let this air get thickened,

With the compassion of your bosoms.

Let this air get thickened;

With the nectar of our silence.


Let our egos melt into this silence

Let my existence get dissolved;

Into the compassion of your silence

Let my existence get dissolved;

Into the compassion of your smile

Let my existence get dissolved;

Into the compassion of your love.



My lust was never so pure;

The way it is getting now.

As if I have lived thousands of lives,

in this moment of silence.

My life was never so eternal; as it is;

in this moment of silence.


I have been looking for you into the words;

But these words, brought me nothing;

But the deception.

Now I have found you,

Have found you, when

I went Beyond those words;

Into the silence.


Yes, I have found you

Found you, into the thoughtless;

Found you, into the calmness;

Found you, into the silence.

Yes, I have found the eternity;

I have found the eternal compassion;

I have found the eternal truth.

Finally, I have found ‘It’;

Through your love

Into the silence.







Unknown said...

awesome man... great start. start refining now.. and welcome to world of blogging

anonymous said...

gr8 work!!!!!!!!

Malyaj said...

tanx man.. !

Unknown said...

cool.. this is wat was remaining i guess :-) well a good poem to start vth...

Unknown said...

only malyaj can do this...keep it up..simple and touching....i would like to see more of such creativity pouring out from you..just take care of redundancy..just a suggestion dont take it seriously if it hinders creative process..the great thing is once i read later on carefully i felt there should be more creations like thats kudos for you....i was also happy that your poem suits my needs i will take

Malyaj said...

ha ha.. take it sir.. kisi ke to kaam ayegi.. mere to kaam in dino ane se rahi ye poem.. :(
he he!
by d way tanx 4 d kudos..
i'l keep dat redundancy thing in mind..

Anonymous said...

very nice